Instagram is a fun place to meet new people that you know and many are strangers. Sometimes, we need to check a message we have sent but not seen. Direct messages that you and the other users have exchanged are marked as “seen” on Instagram.
What Does “Seen” means on Instagram DMs?
The seen is shown when the message is read by the other people who have received it. After send a message, seen will appear as soon as the other user opens the direct message box and sees the message. It is what seen means on Insta.
Can You Hide Seen on Instagram Dm?
Instagram does not allow to turn off read receipt under its privacy policy. The “seen” sign appears whenever a message is opened. However, there is a trick that you can use to hide the “seen” on Instagram Dms.
Everyone read the message without the sender’s knowledge. With the Instagram Restrictive features, now you can see your friends without triggering the seen icon. They won’t be able to see when you’re online or if you’ve read their messages.
How to See What Time Someone Read Your Message on Instagram?
Head over to the conversation you are in. Just wipe left on the empty area on the screen and you will find the time stamp. Here you can see what time someone read your message on Insta.
What Does Last Seen on Instagram Mean?
You can see when a person was last active on Instagram. Just go to DMs and click on the name of the person who was last online. You will see when he person was last active on the app.